Positions and sizes are in tile space. To get the center of a tile add 0.5
Returns a list of object_id
Net.get_object_by_id(area_id, object_id)
Returns Net.Object or nil
Net.get_object_by_name(area_id, name)
Returns Net.Object or nil
Net.create_object(area_id, object_options)
: Net.ObjectOptions
Returns an object_id
Net.remove_object(area_id, object_id)
Removes an object, clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.set_object_name(area_id, object_id, name)
Renames an object.
Net.set_object_type(area_id, object_id, type)
Changes the object's type, clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.set_object_class(area_id, object_id, class)
Deprecated. Use set_object_type instead.
Net.set_object_custom_property(area_id, object_id, name, property_value)
Modifies an object's custom property, clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.resize_object(area_id, object_id, width, height)
Resizes the object, clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.set_object_rotation(area_id, object_id, rotation)
is in degrees, clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.set_object_visibility(area_id, object_id, visibility)
is a bool, the object will be invisible if set to false
. Clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.set_object_privacy(area_id, object_id, private)
If private
is true, this object won't be sent to clients.
Net.move_object(area_id, object_id, x, y, layer)
Moves the object, clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.set_object_data(area_id, object_id, object_data)
: Net.ObjectData
Allows for the type and shape of the object to be adjusted. Clients will be updated at the end of the tick.
Net.is_inside_object(area_id, object_id, x, y)
Returns true if the point is inside of the object.
Supports rectangle, ellipse, and polygon shape objects. Any other objects, such as tile objects, will always return false.
---@class Net.ObjectOptions
---@field name? string
---@field class? string deprecated
---@field type? string
---@field visible? boolean
---@field privacy? boolean
---@field x? number
---@field y? number
---@field z? number
---@field width? number
---@field height? number
---@field rotation? number
---@field data Net.ObjectData
---@field custom_properties? Net.CustomProperties
---@class Net.Object
---@field id number
---@field name string
---@field class string deprecated
---@field type string
---@field visible boolean
---@field x number
---@field y number
---@field z number
---@field width number
---@field height number
---@field rotation number
---@field data Net.ObjectData
---@field custom_properties Net.CustomProperties
---@alias Net.ObjectData Net.BasicObjectData | Net.PolygonObjectData | Net.TileObjectData
---@class Net.BasicObjectData
---@field type "point" | "rect" | "ellipse"
---@class Net.PolygonObjectData
---@field type "polygon" | "polyline"
---@field points { x: number, y: number }[],
---@class Net.TileObjectData
---@field type "tile"
---@field gid number
---@field flipped_horizontally boolean
---@field flipped_vertically boolean
---@alias Net.CustomProperties table<string, string>