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Maps for areas are stored in ./areas. The first area players will see is default.tmx (required).

Suggested Settings


  • Fine grid divisions: 2 (Edit -> Preferences -> Interface)
  • Snap To Fine Grid (View -> Snapping)
    • When working with Object Layer
  • Snap To Pixels (View -> Snapping)
    • When working with Collision shapes


  • Tile Width: 64
  • Tile Height: 32
  • Tile Layer Format: CSV (required)
  • Create map in assets


  • Type: Based on Tileset Image (other types are not currently supported)
  • Object Alignment:
    • Top - For tile objects stuck to the floor such as warps
      • Set drawing offset to 0,0
    • Bottom - For tile objects that act as a wall
  • Place in a Tile Layer to tune drawing offset


  • Horizontal Offset: 0
  • Vertical Offset: (number of layers below this one) * -16

Custom properties


  • Name: string
    • Area name to display in the PersonalMenu
  • Music: string
    • Path to audio asset
  • Background Texture: string
    • Path to background image file
  • Background Animation: string
    • Path to background .animation file
    • One animation state "BG"
      • First frame of this animation determines background repetition
    • Excluding this will use texture size for background repetition
  • Background Vel X: float
  • Background Vel Y: float
  • Background Parallax: float
  • Foreground Texture: string
    • Path to foreground image file
  • Foreground Animation: string
    • Path to foreground .animation file
    • One animation state "BG"
      • First frame of this animation determines foreground repetition
    • Excluding this will use texture size for foreground repetition
  • Foreground Vel X: float
  • Foreground Vel Y: float
  • Foreground Parallax: float


  • Shadow: string
    • "Always"
    • "Never"
    • Unset - Automatic

Object and Tile Classes

Classes are used to denote special tiles or objects understood by the client.

Home Warp

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in map
  • Players will be warped home if colliding with the warp
  • Custom properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Position Warp

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in map
  • Players will be warped to the set position if colliding with the warp
  • Custom properties:
    • X: float
    • Y: float
    • Z: float
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Server Warp

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in map
  • Players will be transferred to a different server if colliding with the warp
  • Custom properties:
    • Address: string
    • Data: string
      • Custom data to pass to the other server
      • Can be read through handle_player_request on the other server
      • Try to keep it short! Long data strings may get ignored
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Custom Server Warp

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in map
  • Players will be warped out if colliding with the warp, the result of the warp can be resolved in handle_custom_warp
  • Custom Properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Custom Warp

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in map
  • Players will be warped out if colliding with the warp, the result of the warp can be resolved in handle_custom_warp
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right


  • Tiles only
  • Visible in map
  • Allows players to walk up or down a layer
  • Makes tile directly above become treated as a hole
  • Custom properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Marks the direction the player will travel up
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right


  • Tiles only
  • Visible in map
  • Custom properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Marks the direction the player will travel
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right
    • Speed: number? (Tiles per second, default: 6)
    • Sound Effect: string


  • Tiles only
  • Custom properties:
    • Speed: number? (Tiles per second, default: 6)
    • Sound Effect: string


  • Tiles only
  • Custom properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Marks the direction the player will travel
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right
    • Speed: number? (Tiles per second, default: 1.875)


  • Visible in map


  • Visible in map


  • Visible in map


  • Tiles only
  • Visible in map
  • Custom properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right


  • Tiles only
  • Hides the tile from players, great for invisible pathways