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If you want to use IO while players are connected, you'll want to use the Async API to prevent server hiccups. Note: paths in this section use system paths and not asset paths.


A promise is a table stand-in for an eventual value. It has an and_then function, which accepts a callback that will eventually be called with the promised value or nil on failure. Most async functions will return a promise.



Returns a promise from a callback. A resolve function is passed to this callback, which calls functions passed to and_then

This promise supports late calls to and_then

local promise = Async.create_promise(function(resolve)
resolve(1, 2, 3)

promise.and_then(print) -- outputs "1 2 3"


Can only be used within an async scope or coroutine.

Waits for a promise by providing a function to and_then and yielding until the function is called.

Returns the value passed by and_then


Retruns an iterator from an async iterator (an iterator which returns promises).

Can only be used within a coroutine. Use Async.promisify() to let the server handle resuming the coroutine.

-- example with Async.await(async_iterator)
local shop_items = {
{ name = "a", price = 0 },
{ name = "b", price = 0 }

Net:on("player_join", Async.create_function(function(event)
local emitter = Net.open_shop(event.player_id, )

-- events are automatically awaited
for event in Async.await(emitter:async_iter("shop_purchase")) do
-- example without Async.await(async_iterator)
local shop_items = {
{ name = "a", price = 0 },
{ name = "b", price = 0 }

Net:on("player_join", Async.create_function(function(event)
local emitter = Net.open_shop(event.player_id)

for promise in emitter:async_iter("shop_purchase") do
-- each event must be awaited individually
local event = Async.await(promise)


Can only be used within an async scope or coroutine.

Takes a list of promises and returns a list of values.

Async.create_scope<T>(function(): T)

Returns a promise, resolves to the return value.

local promise = Async.create_scope(function()

return "hi"

promise.and_then(print) -- says "hi" after 5s

Async.create_function<T>(function(...): T|nil)

Returns a function that returns a promise, which resolves to the return value.

local say_after = Async.create_function(function(message, delay)

return message

say_after("hello", 5).and_then(print) -- says "hello" after 5s
say_after("world", 10).and_then(print) -- says "world" after 10s

Async.request(url, request_options?)

Returns a promise that resolves to { status, headers, body }?, url, request_options?)

Downloads a file straight to disk.

Returns a promise that resolves to true if the file was successfully saved, or false if the operation failed.


Returns a promise that resolves to a string representing the bytes stored in the file.

An empty string is returned if reading failed.

Async.write_file(path, content)

Returns a promise that resolves to true if the file was successfully saved, or false if the operation failed.


Returns a promise that resolves to {}?

Async.message_server(address, data)

You will not know if this succeeds, the other server will need to reply. See server_message.


Returns a promise that resolves after the duration has passed.

Async.message_player(player_id, message, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 0 or nil for disconnected.

Async.message_player(player_id, message, textbox_options?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 0 or nil for disconnected.

Async.message_player_auto(player_id, message, close_delay, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 0 or nil for disconnected.

Async.message_player_auto(player_id, message, close_delay, textbox_options?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 0 or nil for disconnected.

Async.question_player(player_id, question, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 1 for yes, 0 for no, and nil for disconnected.

Async.question_player(player_id, question, textbox_options?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 1 for yes, 0 for no, and nil for disconnected.

Async.quiz_player(player_id, option_a?, option_b?, option_c?, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 0-2 for option a-c, or nil for disconnected.

Async.quiz_player(player_id, option_a?, option_b?, option_c?, textbox_options?)

Returns a promise that resolves to 0-2 for option a-c, or nil for disconnected.

Async.prompt_player(player_id, character_limit?, default_text?)

Returns a promise that resolves to string, or nil for disconnected.

Async.initiate_encounter(player_id, package_path, encounter_data?)

  • encounter_data: anything that could be represented as JSON.
    • Read as second param in encounter_init for the encounter package

Returns Net.Promise<Net.BattleResults?>

Async.initiate_pvp(player_1_id, player_2_id, package_path?, encounter_data?)

  • encounter_data: anything that could be represented as JSON.
    • Read as second param in encounter_init for the encounter package

Returns Net.Promise<Net.BattleResults?>[]

Async.initiate_netplay(player_ids, package_path?, encounter_data?)

  • encounter_data: anything that could be represented as JSON.
    • Read as second param in encounter_init for the encounter package

Returns Net.Promise<Net.BattleResults?>[]


---@class Net.BattleResults
---@field player_id string
---@field health number
---@field score number
---@field time number
---@field ran boolean
---@field emotion number
---@field turns number
---@field allies { name: string, health: number }[]
---@field enemies { name: string, health: number }[]
---@field neutral { name: string, health: number }[]


---@class Net.RequestOptions
---@field method? string
---@field headers? table<string, string>
---@field body? string