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field:tile_at(col, row)

There's hidden padding around the field, the first visible tile is at (1, 1).

Returns a Tile or nil


Returns the total columns in the field.


Returns the total rows in the field.

field:spawn(entity, tile)

Spawns the entity at the start of the next frame if the entity hasn't already been spawned, and places the entity at the tile.

field:spawn(entity, col, row)

Spawns the entity at the start of the next frame if the entity hasn't already been spawned, and places the entity at the tile at (col, row).


Returns an Entity or nil.

field:find_entities(function(entity): boolean)

Returns a list of entities for any entity the callback returned true for.

All Entities on the field and not deleted will be passed to the callback.

field:find_characters(function(entity): boolean)

Returns a list of entities for any entity the callback returned true for.

Only Characters on the field and not deleted will be passed to the callback, includes Players.

field:find_obstacles(function(entity): boolean)

Returns a list of entities for any entity the callback returned true for.

Only Obstacles on the field and not deleted will be passed to the callback.

field:find_players(function(entity): boolean)

Returns a list of entities for any entity the callback returned true for.

Only Players on the field and not deleted will be passed to the callback.

field:find_spells(function(entity): boolean)

Returns a list of entities for any entity the callback returned true for.

Only Spells on the field and not deleted will be passed to the callback, excludes Obstacles.

field:find_nearest_characters(entity, function(entity): boolean)

Returns a list of entities sorted by distance, for any entity the callback returned true for.

Only Characters on the field and not deleted will be passed to the callback, includes Players.

field:find_nearest_players(entity, function(entity): boolean)

Returns a list of entities sorted by distance, for any entity the callback returned true for.

Only Players on the field and not deleted will be passed to the callback.

field:find_tiles(function(tile): boolean)

Returns a list of Tiles for any tile the callback returned true for.

field:shake(strength, duration)

  • strength number, affects how aggressively the field shakes
  • duration number, how many game frames the effect should last

field:notify_on_delete(target_id, observer_id, function(entity))

Deprecated. Use entity:on_delete() instead.

field:callback_on_delete(id, function(entity))

Deprecated. Use entity:on_delete() instead.

field:reclaim_column(x, team)

Causes tiles in the column to return to the matching team as soon as possible, starting at the next frame. The transfer will be delayed by tile reservations in the column.