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Instance of Entity. All Living and Character functions are available as well.

Player functions are accessible to all entities, but will throw if the entity is not a Player.


Returns the entity passed in if the entity is a player, otherwise returns nil.


Used for creating small private differences between players, such as playing a sound effect, hiding a sprite, or changing a sprites color.

Returns true if the player is the local player.

Warning: Can cause unintentional desyncs. Limit behavior driven by this.

Creating or deleting sprites, entities, and animations can cause non obvious unintentional desyncs. Of course those aren't the only ways to cause unintentional desyncs.

Even modifying a sprite's color can cause a desync if another script attempts to read the sprite's color to drive behavior.


Returns a list of valid values for player:set_emotion().


Returns the name of the current emotion animation state.


Sets the current animation state for the player's emotion.

If the state doesn't exist, this does nothing.


Returns a string.


Returns a string.


  • path: file path relative to script file, use values returned from Resources.load_texture() for better performance.


  • path: file path relative to script file, use values returned from Resources.load_texture() for better performance.

If the animation doesn't have a state matching the current emotion, it will reset the player's emotion to "DEFAULT"


  • input_query
    • Input.Held.*
    • Input.Pressed.*
      • Left
      • Right
      • Down
      • Use
      • Special
      • Shoot
      • FaceLeft
      • FaceRight
      • LeftShoulder
      • RightShoulder
      • EndTurn
      • Ready

Returns true if input_query matches the player's current input state.

player:play_audio(path, audio_behavior?)

  • path: file path relative to script file, use values returned from Resources.load_audio() for better performance.
  • audio_behavior: AudioBehavior

Plays an audio file to only this player.

See Resources.play_audio() for playing audio for all players.


Sets the color of the fully charged sprite.

player:set_charge_position(x, y)

Sets the offset of the fully charged sprite.


Returns a bool.


When true, the player will slide to tiles and continue using the CHARACTER_IDLE state.

When false, the player will teleport to tiles and animate with the CHARACTER_MOVE state.


Queues a movement with the default internal logic.


Returns a bool.


Returns a list of DeckCard.


Returns DeckCard or nil.

player:set_deck_card(index, deck_card)

  • index: number, 1 is the first card in the deck.
  • deck_card: DeckCard

If there's no card at this index, nothing happens.


  • index: number, 1 is the first card in the deck.

Removes a card from the player's deck.

Any StagedItem referencing this card will be dropped.

player:insert_deck_card(index, deck_card)

  • index: number, 1 is the first card in the deck.
  • deck_card: DeckCard

Inserts a card into the player's deck.


Returns true if Card Select can close.


Allows Card Select to close.

player:stage_card(card_properties, function()?)

  • card_properties: CardProperties
  • The callback will be called when the player removes the StagedItem.

Appends a new StagedItem to display in Card Select.

player:stage_deck_card(deck_index, function()?)

  • deck_index: number, 1 is the first card in the deck.
  • The callback will be called when the player removes the StagedItem.

Appends a new StagedItem to display in Card Select.

Any StagedItems already referencing deck_index will be removed.

player:stage_deck_discard(deck_index, function()?)

  • deck_index: number, 1 is the first card in the deck.
  • The callback will be called when the player removes the StagedItem.

Appends a new StagedItem to display in Card Select.

Any StagedItems already referencing deck_index will be removed.

player:stage_form(form, texture_path?, function()?)

  • form: PlayerForm
  • texture_path: The texture to use for the icon.
  • The callback will be called when the player removes the StagedItem.

Prepends a new StagedItem that will be displayed in card select if a texture is set. If a form is already staged this StagedItem will replace the existing item.

player:stage_icon(texture_path, function()?)

  • texture_path: The texture to use for the icon.
  • The callback will be called when the player removes the StagedItem.

Appends a new StagedItem to display in Card Select.


Removes the latest StagedItem, calling the undo callback.


Returns a list of StagedItem


  • index: number, starts with 1.

Returns a StagedItem or nil.


  • index: number, starts with 1.

Returns a string. Represents the path to the StagedItem's icon texture.


Returns { package_id?: string, code?: string }. Cards must match any of the set fields.


Prevents selection in Card Select and hides the cursor.

player:set_fixed_card(card_properties, card_button_slot?)

Dedicates a button slot in Card Select to the specified card. Internally defined as a CardSelectButton.

Returns CardSelectButton

player:create_card_button(slot_count, card_button_slot?)

Creates a button embedded in the end of the card list in Card Select.

Returns CardSelectButton


Creates a button under the "Confirm" button in Card Select.

Returns CardSelectButton


Returns a new PlayerForm.

Can be used up to five times before throwing.


Returns a new PlayerForm.


Returns an Augment or nil if the player doesn't have an augment with that package_id.


Returns a list of Augments

player:boost_augment(package_id, level_increment)

If the level before boosting is 0, the Augment is initialized.

If the level after boosting is 0, the Augment's delete callback is called and the Augment is removed.


  • health: integer

Adds the health value to the max health.

If it is the player's health is greater than the new max health it will be reduced to the new max health.


Returns the max amount of cards the player can view from the deck accounting for boosts.


  • size: integer

Adds the size value to the hand_size or the amount of cards the player can view from the deck.


Returns the player's total attack level, a combination of boost_attack_level and Augment boosts.


  • increment: integer

Adds the increment value to the attack level. The attack level can only be boosted by five through this method.


Returns the player's total rapid level, a combination boost_rapid_level and Augment boosts.


  • increment: integer

Adds the increment value to the rapid level. The rapid level can only be boosted by five through this method.


Returns the player's total charge level, a combination boost_charge_level and Augment boosts.


  • increment: integer

Adds the increment value to the charge level. The charge level can only be boosted by five through this method.


Returns the amount of time in game frames, the Shoot button would need to be held for a fully charged attack if the player.calculate_charge_time function was not set.


Returns the amount of time in game frames, the Shoot button should be held for a fully charged attack.

player.calculate_charge_time_func = function(self): number

Should return the amount of time in game frames, the Shoot button should be held for a fully charged attack.

player.normal_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Should return an Action

Many player mods use Buster for their return value.

player.normal_attack_func = function(self)
return, false, player:attack_level())

player.charged_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Should return an Action

Many player mods use Buster for their return value.

player.charged_attack_func = function(self)
return, true, player:attack_level() * 10)

player.special_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Should return an Action

player.can_charge_card_func = function(card_properties): boolean

Will not be called if there's no matching charged_card_func

Return true if charged_card_func should be called to handle this card.

player.charged_card_func = function(self, card_properties): Action|nil

Will not be called if there's no matching can_charge_card_func

An Action or nil is expected as a return value.

player.movement_func = function(self, direction)

Used to handle movement input, setting this overrides the default handling.


Created through player:create_form()


Returns a number. Used internally to identify the form.


  • path: file path relative to script file, use values returned from Resources.load_texture() for better performance.

This texture is used for the form selection menu.


Sets the description to display when the player requests for info.

player_form:set_fixed_card(card_properties, card_button_slot?)

Dedicates a button slot in Card Select to the specified card. Internally defined as a CardSelectButton. Overrides the card button created on the Player and any Augment.

Returns CardSelectButton

player_form:create_card_button(slot_count, card_button_slot?)

Creates a button embedded in the end of the card list in Card Select. Overrides card buttons created on the Player and any Augment.

Returns CardSelectButton


Creates a button under the "Confirm" button in Card Select. Overrides the special button created on the Player and any Augment.

Returns CardSelectButton

player_form.on_select_func = function(self)

Called when the form is selected or staged, the player's emotions should be modified here.

player_form.on_deselect_func = function(self)

Called when the form is deselected or unstaged, the player's emotions should be reverted here.

player_form.on_activate_func = function(self)

Called when the form is activated, the player's appearance should be modified here.

player_form.on_deactivate_func = function(self)

Called when the form is deactivated, the player's appearance should be reverted here.

player_form.on_update_func = function(self)

Called after player.on_update_func when this form is active.

player_form.calculate_charge_time_func = function(self): number

Overrides player.calculate_charge_time_func when this form is active. Also overrides any Augment's override.

A number representing the minimum Shoot button held time in game frames is expected as a return value.

player_form.normal_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Overrides player.normal_attack_func when this form is active. Also overrides any Augment's override.

An Action is expected as a return value.

Return nil to fallback to the player's implementation.

player_form.charged_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Overrides player.charged_attack_func when this form is active. Also overrides any Augment's override.

An Action is expected as a return value.

Return nil to fallback to the player's implementation.

player_form.special_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Overrides player.special_attack_func when this form is active. Also overrides any Augment's override.

An Action is expected as a return value.

Return nil to fallback to the player's implementation.

player_form.can_charge_card_func = function(card_properties): boolean

Will not be called if there's no matching charged_card_func

Return true if this form's charged_card_func should be called to handle this card.

player_form.charged_card_func = function(self, card_properties): Action|nil

Will not be called if there's no matching can_charge_card_func

An Action or nil is expected as a return value.

player_form.movement_func = function(self)

Overrides player.movement_func when this form is active. Also overrides any Augment's override.

Used to handle movement input.



Returns the package id of the augment.


Returns an integer.


Returns an Entity


  • tag: string

Returns true if the augment has a matching tag.

augment:set_fixed_card(card_properties, card_button_slot?)

Dedicates a button slot in Card Select to the specified card. Internally defined as a CardSelectButton. Overrides the card button created on the Player.

Returns CardSelectButton

augment:create_card_button(slot_count, card_button_slot?)

Creates a button embedded in the end of the card list in Card Select. Overrides card buttons created on the Player.

Returns CardSelectButton


Creates a button under the "Confirm" button in Card Select. Overrides the special button created on the Player.

Returns CardSelectButton

augment.calculate_charge_time_func = function(self): number

Overrides player.calculate_charge_time_func

A number representing the minimum Shoot button held time in game frames is expected as a return value.

augment.normal_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Overrides player.normal_attack_func

An Action is expected as a return value.

Return nil to fallback to the next implementation (augment, form, or player).

augment.charged_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Overrides player.charged_attack_func

An Action is expected as a return value.

Return nil to fallback to the next implementation (augment, form, or player).

augment.special_attack_func = function(self): Action|nil

Overrides player.special_attack_func

An Action is expected as a return value.

Return nil to fallback to the next implementation (augment, form, or player).

augment.can_charge_card_func = function(card_properties): boolean

Will not be called if there's no matching charged_card_func

Return true if this augment's charged_card_func should be called to handle this card.

augment.charged_card_func = function(self, card_properties): Action|nil

Will not be called if there's no matching can_charge_card_func

An Action or nil is expected as a return value.

augment.movement_func = function(self, direction)

Overrides player.movement_func.

Used to handle movement input.

augment.on_delete_func = function(self)

Called when the player is deleted or when this augment's level is boosted to <= 0.



Returns a Sprite


Returns a string.

Same as button:sprite():texture()


Same as button:sprite():set_texture(path)

Use values returned from Resources.load_texture() for better performance.


Returns an Animation


Returns a Sprite


Returns a string.

Same as button:preview_sprite():texture()


Use values returned from Resources.load_texture() for better performance.

Same as button:preview_sprite():set_texture(path)


Returns an Animation


Replaces the set preview sprite and animation with a preview generated by the card_properties parameter.


Changes the cursor (when hovered) from a dynamic cursor based on button width to a fixed card cursor locked to the last card slot.


A method to disable successful button use audio.


Sets the description to display when the player requests for info.


Sets the button's description to match a specified card.


Returns an Entity


Deletes the button.


Returns true if the button was deleted.

button.on_selection_change_func = function(self)

Called when any changes are made to player:staged_items()

button.use_func = function(self): boolean

Return true if the button's usage effect was successful. The result will affect the played sound.


An item displayed as a pending selection in Card Select.


  • "deck_card"
  • "deck_discard"
  • "card"
  • "form"
  • "icon"


A number for "deck_card", "deck_discard", and "form"

Otherwise nil


CardProperties for "card"

Otherwise: nil