Custom Tile State
See Tile State Package Documentation for creating new tile states.
Returns Field
custom_tile_state.can_replace_func = function(self, tile, tile_state): boolean
Called when tile:set_state() or tile:can_set_state() is called. Used to accept or deny the change.
custom_tile_state.on_replace_func = function(self, tile)
Called when tile:set_state() is called and passes custom_tile_state.can_replace_func.
custom_tile_state.on_update_func = function(self, tile)
Called for every tile matching the state while time isn't frozen.
custom_tile_state.on_entity_enter_func = function(self, entity)
Called when an entity enters the tile during a movement, tile:add_entity(), tile:set_state(), or spawning.
custom_tile_state.on_entity_leave_func = function(self, entity, prev_tile)
Called when an entity moves to another tile from a movement or tile:add_entity().
is the tile the entity left.
custom_tile_state.on_entity_stop_func = function(self, entity, prev_tile)
Called when an entity finishes movement on the tile or is added by tile:add_entity().